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Building Principal

Celina City Schools

Home of the Bulldogs

Building Principal

Celina Middle School
615 Holly Street
Celina, OH 45822
Fax: 419-586-9166

Mr. Andy Mikesell

Building Principal: Andy Mikesell
     419-586-8300 X2002

High School: St. Henry High School
Bachelor's Degree: Ball State University - Technology Education
Master's Degree: Miami University - Educational Leadership

Spencerville High School: Technology Education Teacher 2012-2013
Celina High School: Technology Education Teacher 2013-2017
Celina Middle School: Dean of Students 2017-2020
Celina Middle School: Principal 2020-Current

Hello, my name is Andy Mikesell and I took over as the Celina Middle School Principal in the spring or 2020 after the passing of my predecessor, mentor, and dear friend Mrs. Ann Esselstein. Prior to becoming the CMS principal, I was fortunate enough to work with Mrs. Esselstein as her Dean of Students from 2017-2020. 

I am originally from St. Henry, OH but have lived here in Celina since 2013 with my wife Kelcie, our son Carter, daughter Quinn, youngest son Beckham and our dog Ace. I taught Technology Education at CHS from 2013-2017 during which time I also coached varsity baseball in Celina from 2013-2020.

I am a firm believer in the power of positivity and how we treat each other. You get back what you give out. This is a notion I try to instill in all our kids everyday here at CMS. Many of our students struggle with circumstances out of their control. However, here at the middle school, we try to help them understand that they do have control over certain facets of their lives with number one being how they treat others. This concept applies to life as well as academics. Creating positive, supportive relationships with other students and staff will foster a willingness to learn and elevate each individual student and our school district as a whole.

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