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Teresa Hoyng

Celina City Schools

Home of the Bulldogs

Teresa Hoyng

Celina Primary School
615 E. Wayne Street
Celina, OH 45822
Phone: 419-586-8300 X 2500
Fax: 419-584-0215

Mrs. Teresa Hoyng

Celina Bulldog logo.

Welcome to Celina Primary School Physical Education.  I am Teresa Hoyng and have taught for 31 yrs.  

*Bachelor's Degree:  Bowling Green State University
*Master's Degree:  Marygrove College
*Reading Endorsement:  Findlay University

I am married to Mike Hoyng and have two sons:
*Clayton- wife: Nicole  
                granddaughter: Eva 

Celina Bulldog Logo.
Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that summer is over and school has started.  I am looking forward to having another awesome year with your child in physical education class.  In order to have a safe and productive learning environment the school-wide discipling plan will be enforced.  In addition students may have a time-out from an activity for misbehavior after a warning.

I feel that physical education not only teaches the psychomotor domain but the cognitive and affective domains as well.  My goal is to have every student experience success.  I do not stress competition.  Instead I stress that if you do your best then you are a winner.  Good sportsmanship and teamwork are very important not only in the gym but in real life situations.

Appropriate footwear must be worn in class each day to ensure your child's safety.  Tennis shoes are acceptable, but not boots, sandals, flip-flops, crocs, or dress shoes.  Please remind your daughters to wear shorts under their skirts/dresses.

Also, if your child will not be participating in P.E. he/she must have a note from a parent or a doctor for an extended period of time.

I am proud of our Celina City Schools PE programs.  Please join with me to make this a very healthy and fun year for your child.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Mrs. Teresa Hoyng


Teacher Intro


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Daily Fitness Exercises:

1. A-Z Jumping Jacks
2.  Burpies
3.  Push Ups
4.  Jump Rope
5.  Crab Kicks
6.  Saluting Push Ups
7.  Wall Push Ups
8.  Cross-overs
9.  Mountain Climbers
10.  Baby Crunchers
11.  Jog around your house
12.  Jump on your tramp
13.  Walk your dog
14.  Go for a bike ride
15.  Don't play X-box all day long:>(
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