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Celina City Schools News Article

National Honor Society Inducts New Members - Says Goodbye to Seniors

Incoming NHS Officers receive the passing of the torch from their retired 18-19 officers.

The National Honor Society held their annual Award Ceremony on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at the CHS-Lecture Hall.
A dessert bar preceded the ceremony led by President Joe Baltzell and Advisor Kim Wilges.
New inductees numbered 38. 
New offficers were inducted; three Seniors were honored; and outgoing Seniors were celebrated.
New officers include: President Connor Glass; Vice President John Robinson; Secretary Luke Muhlenkamp; Treasurer Emma Sweeney; and Public Relations Abdulla Davlatboyev.  Seniors honored were: President Joseph Baltzell for his NHS Service Project training NHS Senior females on self-defense when they go off to college or strike out on their own; member Caston Eichenauer for going above and beyond to sing the National Anthem at a high school baseball game he was announcing after the CD failed to play the song; and Kyler Bourne, a brand new  CHS student who stepped-up and completed hundreds of volunteer hours and participated in all NHS activities.

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