A little about me...
I graduated from Celina High School in 1999 and headed north to the University of Toledo to get my 2 Bachelors degrees in Mathematics and Integrated Mathematics Education. A few years after graduation, I earned my Masters degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. I am happily married and living in Celina with 3 little girls. This is my 17th year of teaching at Celina High School, having taught 1/2 of a year at Swanton Junior High in Swanton, Ohio before moving back to Celina. I currently teach AP Calculus and Algebra 1, but have taught a variety of courses throughout the years. I am currently the Mathematics Department Chair and a coach of the TSA TEAMS Competition each March. I also coached middle school track and field from 2005 to 2010.
Check here periodically for weekly assignment sheets(right column), updates on assignments and extra credit opportunities. If you are an AP Calculus or Statistics or Algebra 1 student or parent, please check out my AP Calculus or Statistics or Algebra 1 pages as well by selecting them in the lefthand column.
If you have questions or need to contact me, please email me at
[email protected]