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CHS Guidance

Celina City Schools

Home of the Bulldogs

CHS Guidance

Celina High School
715 E. Wayne Street
Celina, OH 45822
Fax: 419-584-0307

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Consult the links to the left for information. 

School Counselors:

Mrs. Wendy Gabes
      Senior Counselor
      College Credit Plus Coordinator
Mrs. Danielle Hirschfeld
      Freshmen-Juniors with last names A-K 
Mr. Ethan Knopp
      Freshmen-Juniors with last names L-Z
CHS Counseling Mission Statement

Provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to address students’ academic and career goals in addition to supporting their social and emotional needs. 


CHS Counseling Vision Statement

Encourage students to strive to become the best version of themselves by providing academic, social/emotional, and career development that will enable students to become productive citizens in a global society. 


To accomplish this mission and vision, the counseling team collaborates with school staff and the community as they work with students and their families.

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